Membership Fees
Family: $30.00 (includes children less than 16 years)
Single: $20.00
Pensioner/Concession: $10.00
Children under 16 years: Free with adult membership
Membership runs with the financial year (July 1st to June 30th)
To renew your membership or to join the Marlo Angling Club please complete the form below and submit online or download and complete the form and return it to Marlo Angling Club, PO Box 97, Orbost VIC 3888, with your cheque or money order. Payment can me made via Electronic Funds Transfer to:
Marlo Angling Club
BSB: 083768 ACC: 365308518
For all correspondence regarding memberships:
Post: PO Box 97, Orbost VIC 3888
Phone: 0409 367 202 (Darlene Faulkner – Secretary)

Marlo Angling Club is a family orientated fishing club located in Marlo in East Gippsland, Victoria.
Get In Touch
- Jetty Road, Marlo, Victoria 3888
- PO Box 97, Orbost 3888
- 0425 876 790